
Contributors to The Open Access Companion to the Canterbury Tales

Candace Barrington, Central Connecticut State University

Alexis Kellner Becker, University of Chicago

Craig E. Bertolet, Auburn University

Julianna Chianelli, University of Toronto

Christine Chism, UCLA

Jennifer Culver, Southern Methodist University

Heide Estes, Monmouth University

Ruth Evans, Saint Louis University

Kate L. Fedewa, Michigan State University

Moira Fitzgibbons, Marist College (Curated chapter including contributions from Baba Brinkman, rap artist and playwright, Christa T. Cottone, editorial assistant, Susan Crane, Columbia University, Tom Doyle, novelist, Brendan Fitzgerald, student, Vincent A. Lankewish, Professional Performing Arts High School, Lee Sheldon, Worcester Polytechnic University, Nicole D. Smith, University of North Texas, Peter Sutton, freelance writer and translator, Christopher W. Totten, Pie for Breakfast Studios, Kisha Tracy, Fitchburg State University, Kathryn Vulic, Western Washington University.)

Alexandra Gillespie, University of Toronto

David Hadbawnik, American University of Kuwait

Carissa M. Harris, Temple University

Bruce Holsinger, University of Virginia

Simon Horobin, University of Oxford

Emily Houlik-Ritchey, Rice University

Jonathan Hsy, The George Washington University

Kathleen E. Kennedy, Pennsylvania State University – Brandywine

Daniel T. Kline, University of Alaska Anchorage

Kathy Lavezzo, University of Iowa

Emma Lipton, University of Missouri

Alex Mueller, University of Massachusetts Boston

Krista A. Milne (formerly Murchison), Leiden University

Susan Nakley, St. Joseph’s College, New York

Julie Orlemanski, University of Chicago

Noëlle H. Phillips, Douglas College

William Rhodes, University of Pittsburgh

Christopher Michael Roman, Kent State University

Elizabeth Scala, University of Texas at Austin

Samantha Katz Seal, University of New Hampshire

Myra Seaman, College of Charleston

Karl Steel, Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York

Emily Steiner, University of Pennsylvania

William M. Storm, Eastern University

Marie Turner, Independent Scholar

Cord J. Whitaker, Wellesley College

Kim Zarins, California State University at Sacramento

Copy Editors

Andrew Petracca

Shyama Rajendran

Haylie Swenson